Interview of a Local Yoga Instructor

Rachael Fellers, Head Yoga Instructor at YAM

Yoga And Massage (YAM) in Hendersonville offers self care services like massages, spa treatments, and yoga classes. While this may feel luxuriously pampery, taking care of your body is an important part of maintaining athleticism and extending your lifespan. Not to mention that of those around you. We interviewed head yoga instructor, Rachael Fellers, to tell us more about the physical and mental maintenance that comes from yoga -including for kids!

  • Yoga is a practice of connection between the mind, body, and spirit. The practice is noncompetitive! Yoga can be thought of mainly in its physical form that shows up as “asana” or “yoga postures”, but there are benefits that can be taken off of the yoga mat with you beyond the physical. Yoga offers guidance to us, as individuals, with a way to move through life with more grounded connectivity to our highest Self. Practicing mindfulness, self awareness.

    Physical benefits of yoga can be greatly felt through myofascial release, strength, flexibility, agility, balance, improved posture, stretch and stress to the muscles and joints, and so many more intricacies for each practitioner. Yoga helps to move “prana” or our “life force energy” throughout our bodies. This translates to the mental health benefits of the practice which can include improved sleep, emotional wellbeing, depression management, and anxiety support especially through breathing practices called “pranayama”, just to name a few!

  • Yoga is absolutely for everyone! One of the simplest forms of yoga can be to just breathe, and come home to yourself. In the physical practice form there are an abundance of different styles or types of yoga!

    There are classes for kids! They love the movement and breath as well as fun stories that accompany the practice. Yoga And Massage (YAM) in Hendersonville offers free kid’s yoga at the Farmer’s Market in downtown Hendersonville the first Saturday of the month, April-October!

    Yoga classes have a broad spectrum to choose from. There are classes that are completely still, focusing solely on breathing like Meditation, Yoga Nidra, and Sound Healing. There are classes where the heat is cranked up to 95-105 degrees and the sweat is pouring through intense, vigorous physical movement like Power Flow, Hot Flow, and Hot 26. There are practices that settle into shapes and allow joints to marinate and open from a seated or reclined position, like Restorative, and Yin. There are Gentle classes for those whose movement is a bit more limited or softness is needed, and everything in between! 

  • Yes! The body craves to be stretched as well as strengthened! Flexibility and strength go in tandem with supporting our bodies daily movements as well as our more vigorous, athletic choices. Our joints especially take a beating and increasing flexibility can help them to be more buoyant and able to withstand athleticism. Yoga has a multitude of options to explore deepening flexibility, and increasing flexibility can be for everyone! 

  • Being more aware of our body’s limits and needs and working with those needs by being in tune with them is extremely important for injury prevention. Think of a piece of taffy, in a colder form it is non pliable, and liable to snap. As the taffy begins to be pulled over time it creates malleability and warmth, which allows the taffy to adapt in suppleness. This is similar to our muscles and joints! Imagine hitting the pavement in a hard sprint from stepping out of bed with your eyes still closed … ouch! And we’d probably fall on our face or trip/run into something. Regular yoga can keep our body in more of an awakened state, allowing for the flexibility to stay with us for longer periods of time the more we visit our practice. 

  • Yoga is for everyone! Everyone has to start somewhere! It is essential to listen to yourself and know how you best feel supported in beginning your journey when you are ready. There are so many options for yoga-curious individuals from outdoor classes, to private sessions, to group/community classes. At the center of the yoga community you will find acceptance, love, and celebration of our individual beauty in the collective whole.

  • There are an incredible amount of options for anyone who is apprehensive or feeling uncomfortable with starting their yoga journey. Some people have found solace in their own home oasis with free/membership yoga classes online! Yoga and Massage (YAM) offers private yoga classes that can be done in the studio or at an off-site location of your choice. YAM also offers free outdoor yoga classes from April-October, which is a great casual opportunity to come by and see what a yoga class experience can be like without having to step into a yoga studio … yet!

  • Daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or every now and again is better than nothing! Yoga is such a beautiful supplement to the physical body. It’s up to the individual practitioner to know what works best for them, but I’d say aim to move through a yoga practice once or twice a week if you are supplementing a sport or other physical activity.  

  • A few simple post training poses:  

    Hips/glutes: Reclining figure 4 pose or upright Pigeon.

    Hamstrings: L-sit/staff pose.

    Lower back: Cross legged seat (Sukhasana) tall spine, twisting to one side, and then folding forward over the opposite knee. Making sure to do both sides of a shape, right and left!  

  • Yoga has such a deep spiritually rooted tradition and so many offerings that extend well beyond the physical practice. Yoga is a wellspring of gratitude, mindfulness, compassion, and acceptance. Personally, yoga has saved my life physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. If you are yoga curious, this is your sign to take the first step!

Check out the yoga classes at YAM here (or their other services). This is a great place to start on your journey to regular self care and physical maintenance -however there is nothing wrong with easing into something new! There are plenty of free resources for yoga, like youtube and in person donation based classes from various organizations.


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